Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Raja Vesa: The word Raj a means a 'king'. Hence this Vesa denotes the dress of a sovereign king, Injury Lawyers 4 You. Jagannatha was regarded as the king of Orissa since the rule of Ganga dynasty and this Vesa of Jagannatha continues from those days four times in a year. 
Radha Damodara Vesa: This Vesa takes place in the months of Asvina and Kartika, homeowner consolidation loans. Radha is the female counter- part of Krisna. Damodara is one of the names of Krisna. This Vesa, therefore, highlights the great religious integration that took place in the Jagannatha temple with regard to the episodes of Radha and Krisna. 

Harihara Vesa: When the Radha Damodara Vesa of Jagannatha continues, we have the Harihara Vesa of Balabhadra. In this Vesa, half of the body of Balabhadra looks blackish while the other half looks whitish, which connotes that one half of his body is Visnu and the other half is Siva. 

Laksminarayana Vesa: This Vesa takes place in the month of Kartika. The worship of Laksminarayana has gained popularity in Jagannathism, since the visit of Ramanuja, the great religious preacher to Puri. 

Laksminrsimha Vesa: This Vesa also takes place in the month of Kartika. The very name of the dress indicates how the powerful cult of Nrsimha was given due recognition in Puri temple. 

Nagarjuna Vesa: This Vesa takes place in such years as have six days of Pancaka in the month of Kartika. On that occasion Jagannatha is dressed like Nagarjuna (a military general) on the extra day. This Vesa is also known as the Parasurama Vesa. 

Sraddha Vesa: Jagannatha puts on this Vesa in the month of Margasira for three days. Sraddha means the offerings made out of love and hence, such rites as are observed for the departed parents and forefathers are called Sraddha. In the month of Margasira, Jagannatha performs the Sraddha in favour of Nanda, Vasudeva and Dasaratha. We know that Visnu was born as the eldest son of Dasaratha, the King of Ayodhya and was named Ramacandra. Again his birth took place in a prison in Mathura as the son of Vasudeva from where he was mysteriously taken out and delivered to Nanda (the king of Braja), who nourished him like his own son and came to be known popularly as the second father of  Krisna. 

Padma Vesa: In the month of Magha, Jagannatha is dressed in Padmas (latus flowers), which appear plentily on earth from this month onwards. This Vesa takes place to perpetuate the memory of a devotee, who had brought the lotus flowers from a long distance to decorate the god.  

Gajoddharana Vesa: There is a story in the Puranas that at one time in the past, an elephant was attacked by a ferocious alligator. Finding no other way to save his life, this animal implored the mercy of Visnu. His prayers immediately moved Visnu to compassion and the latter hurled his disc to cut the attacking alligator to pieces. Jagannatha, who is identified with Visnu, wears this Vesa to inspire a sense of devotion to the grace of the god. 

Caceri Vesa: In the month of Phalguna, this Vesa takes place. According to a social custom prevailing all over India, people play with coloured , powder and throw this powder over the friends and relatives. ‘Jagannatha is the best representative of the people and he is also shown as sharing the experiences of the. People by playing with red powder. 

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