Friday, September 19, 2014

Sri Venkateshwara Balamandir Trust

The T.T.Devasthanams has undertaken various social and welfare activities in fulfillment of its Motto of “SERVING TO THE LORD BY SERVING HUMANITY”. With a view to give a helping hand to the destitute and orphans, the TTD has established Sri Venkateswara Balamandir in Tirupati in the year 1943.

Children, both boys and girls, who have no parents as well as those whose father expired and mother is unable to bring up the children and vice-versa are admitted to this institution. The TTD is providing accommodation, food, clothing and education to the children admitted to Sri Venkateswara Balamandir from 1 st class onwards. The children are given education upto graduation in TTD run schools and colleges. Meritorious students are also given coaching for EAMCET. It is the motto of the TTD to see that orphans admitted to the Balamandir live on their own. Give a helping hand to the orphans.

The TTD has created a separate Trust for improving this institution with following object.(a) To run an Orphanage for orphans, destitute and disadvantaged children of both sexes; (b) To provide free accommodation and boarding to orphans, destitutes and disadvantaged children; and (c) To provide free education to these children upto post graduation and professional courses like MBBS and Engineering.

The minimum contribution for the scheme is Rs. 1,000/- Donation amount below Rs.1000/- will be credited to the account of Srivari Hundi without any intimation to the Donor. All donations are deposited in a Nationalised Bank, and the interest earned is utilized for the scheme.

Donations can be made by way of cheque / demand draft on any Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of the Executive Officer, Sri Venkateswara Balamandir Trust, TTD, Tirupati and can be sent to the Additional Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer (Addl. FA & CAO), T.T.D., Tirupati-517501. For further information contact: 0877-2277777 or 2233333, 2264258

Individuals, firms, companies etc. can make donations, and they are eligible for uniform privileges besides Income Tax Benefit under Section 80 (G) of the Indian Income Tax Act.

Sri Venkateswara Heritage Preservation Trust

Our Temples symbolize India’s hallowed culture and Sanathana Dharma. Temples, which are the repositories of sculpture, paintings, music literature, dance and other art forms, are built for the prosperity and wellbeing of all people. According to Sastras, God manifests Himself in the images and fulfils the desires of the devotees on account of the spiritual penance of the great sages who consecrated the deities in the temples and the regular rituals performed there and due to the enchanting beauty of the idols, which conform to the Silpa Agamas. It is the bounden duty and responsibility of every Indian to preserve these temples, which are the centers of vedic culture, to renovate any dilapidated portion of the temples or rebuild them. It may be the Vimana or Prakara, Balipeetha or Dwajasthambha or it may be even the main idol. It is said natural disasters like flood and drought may occur not only in the villages where such ruined temples are located but also in the entire country.

Many acharyas have expressed their displeasure over raising new temples indiscriminately and stressed the need for preserving the ancient temples, consecrated by the great sages. There may be temple like edifices, which reflect the glory of vedic culture and religion or places of archeological interest.

It is an uphill task for individuals alone to undertake their preservation and renovation. With a view to accomplish this lofty aim, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams has launched ‘Sri Venkateswara Heritage Preservation Trust’.

‘Karta Karayite chaiva prerakas syonu modaka’ which means one who organizes or executive a noble task, encourages, approves and derives pleasure from it, enjoys all fruits of such a meritorious act.

We earnestly appeal to all philanthropists to contribute generously to ‘Sri Venkateswara Heritage Preservation Trust and participate in this sacred endeavor. There is need for renovating dilapidated temples in every village and in every town for universal welfare. The donors can contribute any amount towards this scheme.

The minimum contribution for the scheme is Rs. 1,000/- Donation amount sent below Rs.1000/- will be credited to the account of Srivari Hundi without any intimation to the Donor. All donations are deposited in a Nationalised Bank, and the interest earned is utilized for the scheme.

Donations can be made by way of cheque / demand draft on any Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of the Executive Officer, Sri Venkateswara Heritage Preservation Trust, TTD, Tirupati and can be sent to the Additional Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer( Addl. FA & CAO), T.T.D., Tirupati-517501.

For further information contact: 0877-2277777 or 2233333, 2264258

Individuals, firms, companies etc. can make donations, and they are eligible for uniform privileges besides Income Tax Benefit under Section 80 (G) of the Indian Income Tax Act.


The Vedas, the treasure-trove of Sanatana Dharma, tradition and culture contain codes of righteous conduct and spiritual revelation. Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams set up Sri Venkateswra Veda Parirakshana Trust March,2007 to perpetuate the vedic tradition.

The objectives of the Schemes are follows:
  • To identify, study and bring to light vedic knowledge, which is the heritage of all mankind.
  • To take all necessary steps through any and all possible means, for the propagation of the invaluable knowledge contained in the Vedas, to enlighten the masses about them and to encourage them to lead a purposeful, fruitful, peaceful and co-operative life as socially responsible members of the global social environment.
  • To co-operate, to associate with, in any manner considered appropriate including by giving financial grant in aid to any individual or groups of individuals, institutions or bodies that in the perception of the trust, carry on any activities in harmony with the objects of the Trust.
  • To take all necessary steps for the preservation and dissemination of knowledge etc., aforesaid by any suitable and contemporary means to ensure its perpetuity and uninterrupted availability for the benefit of the present and future generations by translating the vedic texts into all language preserving and their audio, audio visual record maintaining appropriate data bases.

The minimum contribution for the scheme is Rs. 1,000/- Donation below Rs.1000/- will be credited to the account of Srivari Hundi without any intimation to the donor. “The donations received to this Trust will go to Corpus Fund” All donations are deposited in a Nationalised Bank, and interest earned is utilized for the scheme.

Donations can be made by way of cheque / demand draft on any Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “The Executive Officer, Sri Venkateswara Veda Parirakshana Trust, TTD, Tirupati and can be sent to the Additional Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer( Addl. FA & CAO), T.T.D., Tirupati-517501.

For further information contact Ph.0877-2277777 or 2233333 or 2264258

Individuals, firms, companies etc. can make donations, and they are eligible for uniform privileges besides Income Tax Benefit under Section 80 (G) of the Indian Income Tax Act.

Sri Balaji Arogryavaraprasadini Scheme (SVIMS)

Sri Venkteswara Institute of Medical Sciences)

For ages, Tirumala, the adobe of Lord Venkateswara, has been a great centre of pilgrimage. Thousand of devotees visit the sacred Hills every day and offer their solemn prayers to the Lord for their spiritual and physical well-being.

Alleviating human suffering has been a part of dedicated efforts of T.T.D to mankind. T.T.D already manages a Leprosarium, centre for physically handicapped, a poor home and also a central hospital. To provide the most advanced medical technology- to the needy, the TTD has launched another remarkable institution-a blessing from the Lord Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences-a sophisticated super specialty center on the lines of AllMS(All India Institute of Medical Sciences) New Delhi, Jipmer of Pondichery and PGIMS of Chandigarh. The well being of a person from top to bottom is the aim of Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, which apart from offering service, imparts training and education in medical sciences and facilitates Research and Development.

It is the fervent desire of the Devasthanams that the doors to such a state-of the-art technology should be open to the poor and disabled people. With a view to achieving this goal, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences has introduced a new scheme called Balaji Arogryavaraprasdini Scheme. So as to accomplish the goal of making available the cutting edge medical technology to every individual at an affordable rate.

The minimum contribution for the scheme is Rs. 1,000/- Donation amount sent below Rs.1000/- will be credited to the account of Srivari Hundi without any intimation to the Donor.All donations are deposited in a Nationalised Bank, and the interest earned is utilized for the scheme.

Donations can be made by way of cheque / demand draft on any Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “The Executive Officer, Sri Balaji Arogyavaraprasadini Scheme(SVIMS), TTD, Tirupati and can be sent to the Additional Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer( Addl. FA & CAO), T.T.D., Tirupati-517501. Ph.0877-2287152/2286131or 2277777 Ext:2285/2288

Individuals, firms, companies etc. can make donations, and they are eligible for Income Tax Benefit under Section 80 (G) of the Indian Income Tax Act.

Food Facilities at Tirumala

Annadanam Samam Danam Trilokeshu Na Vidhathe

This famous from Vedas, means Annadanam(offering food) is supreme and incomparable to any charity. Food is the basic requirement for all humans. Thus according to Vedas, the one who does annadanam to devotees, attains heaven (Punya Loka) in this Universe (Brahmanda) itself. In this whole universe, the creation and its progression depends on food. Hence giving food to the devotees is more than attaining heaven.

Gaja turaga Sahasram Gokulam koti danam
Kanaka Rajatha patram Methini sagarantham
Upaya kula vishuttam Koti kanya pradanam
Nahi nahi bahu danam Annadanam samanam

Donating 1000 elephants & horses, donating 10 million cows, donating any number of vessels of silver and gold, donating the entire land till sea, offering the entire services of the clan, helping in the marriage of 10 million women, all this is never ever equal to Annadanam-feeding the hungry and needy.

The temple administration of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams being the custodian of world famous temple of Lord Venakteswara strongly believes that "Service to Humanity is Service to Divinity". It took up the noble task of feeding millions and millions of pilgrims who throng the temple of Tirumala across the world, every day on free of cost.

On an average, in a year not less than two crore pilgrims are being served with free food, beverages, snacks etc. in the name of 'Annaprasadams' in Matrusri Tarigonda Vengamamba Annaprasadam Complex, waiting queue lines and compartments in VQC-I & II, Foot path routes in Tirumala and also in Tirupati and Tiruchanur.