Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lord balaji stotram

vijayi bhava!venkata sailapate.
Lord of Venkatachala! One whose matchless blue body is ever rendered red by the saffron on the breasts of Kamala (called Sridevi); One whose eyes are broad like the petals of the lotus, dwi fort worth.

pramukhakhila-daivata-maulimane! sarangatavatsala!saranidhe! paripalaya mam vrsa-sailapate.
The crest-jewel of all Gods like Brahma, Kumarasvami and Maheshwara! The Compassionate One to those seeking protection! Protect me, O Lord of Vrsasaila! auto insurance in Michigan

ativelataya tava durvisahair-

anuvela-krtair aparadha-sataih,
bharitam tvaritam vrsa-sailapate! paraya krpaya paripahi hare.
Lord of Vrsasaila! May Thou (O Hari!) with Thy extreme mercy protect me who has always committed various unendurable sins.

satakoti-vrtat smarakoti-samat,
prati-vallavikabhimatat sukhadat
vasudeva-sutan na param kalaye.
I do not understand any one other than Krishna who is surrounded by innumerable cowherdesses (gopikas) who are enchanted by the sweet music of His flute; who equals the beauty of all the Cupids (Manmathas); who gives joy and is dear to eachgopika.

abhirama-gunakara!dasarathe! jagadeka-dhanurdhara! dhiramate! raghunayaka! rama! ramesa! vibho!
varado bhava! deva! daya-jaladhe!
Source of enchanting virtues ! Rama! The Matchless Archer of the Universe! The Steady-minded One! The Best of the race of Raghu! Ramesa! The All-pervading! The Ocean of Compassion! O Lord ! Grant us boons.


mahaniyam aham raghuramam aye.
I seek refuge in Raghurama who does what Sita likes, who has a beautiful face like the Moon, who is like the Sun to put an end to darkness (Ravana the King of Demons), and who is exalted.

sumukham suhrdam sulabham sukhadam svanujam cha sukayamamoghasaram,
apahaya raghudvaham anyam aham
na kathanchana kanachana jatu bhaje
At no time and in no way, do I worship any one other than Rama,, who has elevated the Raghu race, who has a handsome face, a good heart, is easily attainable, has good brothers, has a beautiful body and whose arrows are unfailing.

vina venkatesam na nanatho na nathahsada venkatesam smarami smarami,
hare! venkatesa! prasida prasida
priyam venkatesa! prayaccha prayaccha.
There is no saviour other than Venkatesa. I will always pray to Venkatesa. O Hari Venkatesa! Be pleased and grant us favours.

aham duratas te padambhoja-yugma-prana-mecchayagatya sevam karomi, sakrt sevaya nitya-sevaphalam tvamprayaccha prayaccha prabho venkatesa.
O Lord! Having come from afar, with a desire to salute Thy lotus-like feet, I serve Thee Venkatesa! Please give me the opportunity for this occasional worship.

ajnanina maya dosan
asesan vihitan hare!
ksamasva tvam ksmasva tvam sesasailasikhamane
O Hari! The jewel-crest of Sesasaila! Pardon me for all the sins committed by me, an ignorant being.