Sunday, June 29, 2014

Basara Saraswathi Pooja

Sri Saraswathi Kavacham
Saraswathi Vandanam
Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa, 
Yaa shubhravastraavritha 
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara, 
Yaa shwetha padmaasanaa, 
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara prabhritibhir 
Devaisadaa Vanditha (poojitaa) 
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa

May that Goddess - Bhagavathi - the blessed Saraswathi presiding deity of learning and remover of our lethargy, laziness and ignorance, protect us. She is pure and white like the jasmine, the full moon and the garland like formation of dewdrops. She is dressed in a spotless robe. She has in her hand, the auspicious instrument veena. She is seated on a white lotus. She is the one who is always respected by Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, Shankara the annihilator and other Gods.

Saraswathi - Before Study
Saraswathi Namasthubyam, 
Varadey Kaamarupinee! 
Vidhyarambham Karishyami, 
Sidhir bhavathu mey sada !

Oh ! Goddess, Saraswathi, my humble prostrations unto Thee, who are the fulfiler of all my wishes. I start my studies with the request that thou will bestow Thy blessings on me
Saraswathi Shloka
Gnanananda Mayam Devam
Nirmala Spatika Kruthim
Aadharam Sarva Vidyanam
Hayagrivam Upasmahe

Promise myself before Hayagriva, the Deva who is the personification of Jnana(knowledge) and Happiness(Ananda), who is very pure, and who is the basis of all learning.) The other important sloka is one to Goddess Saraswati, the God of learning.

Manikhya veenam upa laalayanthim, 
Madalasam manjula vag vilasam,
 Mahendra neela dyuthi  komalangim,
Mathanga kanyaam manasa smarami.

I meditate on the daughter of sage Matanga, Who plays on the jewel studded Veena, Who is most pretty and who speaks sweetest words, Who is worshiped by Indra , the king of devas, And who has perfectly pretty form.

Saraswathi Mahabhage
Vidye Kamala lochane
Vidhya roope vishaalakshi
Vidyam dehi namosthuthe

Basara Temple - Do's and Dont's

  • Do pay obeisance to your Ishta Divam or Kula Divam before you start for Basara. 
  • Do bathe in the Godavari and worship Sri Gnana Saraswathi Devi.
  • Do bathe and wear clean clothes (wear a dhoti with upper cloth) before you enter the temple.
  • Do concentrate only on Sri Gnana Saraswathi Devi inside the temple.
  • Do observe absolute silence inside the temple and chant "Om Sri Saraswathyei namo namaha" to yourself.
  • Do respect ancient customs while in Basara.
  • Do pay obeisance (Pranaamam) with two hands. "Mukulitha Hastha Pranaamam" is auspecious.
  • Do respect and Promote religious sentiments among the co-pilgrims.
  • Do deposit your offerings in the Hundi.
  • Do wear a tilakadharana in accordance with Hindu religion.
  • One who regards his Guru (preceptor) as a mere human being, the lords Bimba as only a stone image, the Vedic mantras as just a means of livelihood and one who is indifferent to the worship rituals become  blameworthy and his would be of no value (nishphalam).
  • Be clean physically and mentally.
  • Follow the procedures and wait for your turn for the Darshanam of the si Gnana Saraswathi Devi.
  • Do respect ladies and be kind towards children and the senior citizens


  • Do not carry too much jewelry or cash with you.
  • Do not come to Basara for any purpose other than worshipping the Godess.
  • Do not eat non-vegetarian food.
  • Don't wear footwear or move around in a vehicle, in and around the premises of the temple.
  • Don't rush in for Darshanam. But along with the queue.
  • Don't prostrate (sastanga danda pranamam) inside the temple. (up to Dhwajasthamba)
  • Don't throw away the Prasadam and theertham.
  • Don't wear flowers and garlands in Basara; all the flowers are for the Godess only.
  • Don't encourage beggars, but do contribute to the needy.
  • Don't spit or be a nuisance inside and premises of the temple.
  • Don't enter the shrine naked or wearing a piece of lion cloth (Kaupina).
  • Don't wear any head guards (helmet, caps, turban, hat etc unless required by your religion.) while entering the temple.
  • Don't carry any weapon while entering the temple.
  • Don't eat food brought from outside or chew betel leaves while entering the temple or in the temple premises.
  • One should not loiter, litter,spit and urinate or defecate around the premises of the temple.
  • One should not have gossip or talk about sexuality while in the temple.
  • Having entered a temple , one should never commit an act of violence, harshness in the premises.
  • Standing in god's presence one must never utter a lie.
  • One should not quarrel in a temple on any account, the temple is not a place for it.
  • One should not talk about his wealth, money, status and Ahamkara but be obedient to God in the temple.
  • One should not bow before another person while in a temple; God is the only Lord for all.
  • ne should not sit with his back to the deity in the temple.
  • There are sequences of poojas ans sevas in the temple and one should have patience to have the darshanam of the Lord.
  • Making pranamam (obeisance) with only one hand  to the Godess is prohibited. Use both hands

Basara Temple

Basara Temple is situated 200 Kms from Hyderabad, AP. Sri Gnana Saraswathi temple at Basara on the banks of river Godavari is the only temple in South India dedicated to the Goddess of learning.

The legend has it that after the Mahabharata war, sage Veda Vyasa embarked on a pilgrimage in search of peace. He reached the serene Kumaranchala hills on the banks of river Godavari and meditated and propitiated the Goddess who eventually appeared before him and granted her presence in the form of the divine trinity.
The Goddess ordered the sage to place three handful of sand at three places everyday. Miraculously these sand dunes transformed into the idols of the divine trinity i.e., Saraswathi, Lakshmi, & Kali.
These are the presiding deities of Basar today. Despite the presence of the trinity,the temple is dedicated to Goddess Saraswathi. 

Children are brought here for the ceremony of Akshara puja to start their education with the blessings of the Goddess of Knowledge.The Vedavathi Sila, the Ashtateertha are other places of interest around Basar. Thousands of devotees bath in the river Godavari & seek the blessings of the Goddess during the Mahashivarathri, Dassera navratris and Vasantha panchami.

Bhadraacala Bhakta Raamadaas

Popularly known as Bhakta Raamadaas, he was born Gopanna to Linganna Mantri (a surname he kept as a result of one of his forebears being a minister at the court of a king) & Kadamba (sister of Madanna, a brahmin minister to TaniShah), in 1620 in Nelakondapalli, a small village in Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh. Since childhood, he imbibed his family's interest in spirituality and composed several keertanas on Rama. His devotion to Vaikunta Rama at the temple of Bhadrachalam, a small village in the middle of the jungle on the northern banks of the holy river Godavari, earned him his name Bhadraacala Raamadaas. His guru was Raghunatha Bhattacharya.

During the reign of Abdul Hasan Tana Shah, (the nawab of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty at Golconda), Ramadas (Gopanna), thanks to his uncle Madanna, was appointed as a Tahsildar for Palvancha Paragana which included Bhadrachalam, a pretty and picturesquely situated temple town on the Godavari river. Ramadas was always distracted and his intense love for Lord Rama compelled him to build a temple at Bhadrachalam. He collected money for the construction from the citizens, but was not enough. So he borrowed from the tax revenue of the nawab and gave his god a worthy abode, vowing to return the money. However, the nawab was furious and sentenced Ramadas to 12 years in prison. Raamadaas thus earned the name Bandikhana Raamadaas(meaning imprisoned Ramadas). Frustrated at god's indifference to his pleadings, Ramadas composed some of the finest keertanas in his prison cell (reminding Rama of his services in Ikshvaku Kula Tilaka).

It is said that Rama & Lakshmana in the guise of two youngsters paid up his dues and got his release papers. The golden coins paid by Rama are known as Ram Tanka coins .They can be seen even today. These coins have the Pattabhishekam scene on one side and the picture of another Rama Bhaktha, Hanuman, on the other side. The nawab was moved and recognized the greatness of Ramadas and released him immediately and gave him land around Bhadraachalam to continue his dedicated service to Bhadraachala Raamamoorty. Ramadas spent the rest of his life on these lands and composed further moving poems that were to inspire Tyaagaraaja: in ksheera saagara sayana in Devagaandhaari, he says "Dhirudau Ramadasuni Bandhamu dirchinadi Vinnanura Rama?" (O Rama! I have heard how You obtained the release of the bold Ramadas from his prison life); in brindaavanalOla in tODi, in kaligiyundE gada in keeravaaNi, in Emi dova balkuma in saaranga and in Prahlaada Bhakti Vijayam he says "kaliyugamuna vara bhadra calamuna nelakonna raamacandruni pada bhaktula kella varudanandagi velasina shree raamadaasu vinutintu madin" (I praise Sri Raamadaas, who shines in this world as the supreme devotee of Sri Raamachandra, who shines forth from his seat at Bhadraachalam in this kali Yuga).

Other compositions are positive invocations, favored by traveling minstrels, including the Tondaiman rulers of PudukoTTai in Tamil Nadu, who popularized his songs. Among his other accomplishments is the creation of the whole Ramayana story in the form of a prose-poem, a Choornika. Ramadas described himself in this way in the last verse of his Dasarathi Satakam: "Allana Linga Mantri Suthudu(son), Atreya Gothrudu, Adi Sakha, Kancherla Kulothbhavudu, Gopakavindrudu." Bhadraachala Raamadaas lived for 68 years.

Simhachalam - Code of Conduct

DOs :
  • Respect and promote religious sentiments among co-pilgrims.
  • Contact Simhachalam Devasthanam Enquiry Office for information regarding the temple and your worship there.
  • Pradakshinam (keeping the shrine to your right) with devotion before entering the temple.
  • Follow the procedures of the temple and wait for your turn for the darshan of the Lord.
  • deposit your offerings in the hundi only.
 DONTs :
  • Don't eat non-vegetarian food. Don't consume liquor or other intoxicants.
  • Don't wear footwear, or move around in a vehicle, in and around the premises of the temple.
  • Don't approach touts for quick darshan and accommodation.
  • Don't rush in for darshan, but move along in the queue.
  • Don't prostrate (sastanga danda pranamam) inside the temple.
  • Don't buy spurious prasadam from street vendors.
  • Don't throw away the prasadam and teertham given to you at the temple.
  • Don't enter the temple, if, according to custom or usage, you are prohibited to enter.
  • Don't wear flowers and garlands in Gardens; all flowers are for the Lord only.
  • Don't spit or be a nuisance inside the temple premises.
  • Don't enter the shrine naked or wearing only a loin-cloth.
  • Don't wear any head guards like helmets, caps, turbans and hats inside the temple premises.
  • Don't carry any weapon inside the temple.
  • Don't eat food brought from outside or chew betel leaves in the temple premises.
  • Don't evacuate urine or motion or spit in the premises of the temple.
  • Don't pay obeisance with only one hand.
  • Don't sit with your back facing the Deity.
  • Don't talk about your wealth, money and status.
  • Don't quarrel in the temple premises.
  • Don't commit any act of violence or harshness in the temple premises.
  • Don't sleep in the temple premises.

Annavaram - Code of Conduct

Temple Committee requests all visitors to preserve the sanctity of the Annavaram area. Suggestions in the form of 'Dos and Don'ts' are displayed at various places at Annavaram temple You are requested to get acquainted with them before you visit Temple.
A summary of these suggestions:
DOs :
Ø  Do observe absolute silence inside the temple and chant Om Sri Satya Devaya Namah to yourself.
Ø  Do respect and promote religious sentiments among co-pilgrims.
Ø  Do contact any of the Annavarm Devasthanams Enquiry Offices for information regarding the temple and your Worship there.
Ø  Do pradakshinam (keeping the shrine to your right) with devotion before entering the temple.
Ø  Do follow the procedures of the temple and wait for your turn for the darshan of the Lord.
Ø  Do deposit your offerings in the hundi only.

Ø  Don't eat non-vegetarian food. Don't consume liquor or other intoxicants.
Ø  Don't wear footwear, or move around in a vehicle, in and around the premises of the temple.
Ø  Don't approach touts for quick darshan and accommodation.
Ø  Don't rush in for darshan, but move along in the queue.
Ø  Don't prostrate (sastanga danda pranamam) inside the temple.
Ø  Don't buy spurious prasadam from street vendors.
Ø  Don't throw away the prasadam and teertham given to you at the temple.
Ø  Don't enter the temple, if, according to custom or usage, you are prohibited to enter.
Ø  Don't wear flowers and garlands in Gardens; all flowers are for the Lord only.
Ø  Don't spit or be a nuisance inside the temple premises.
Ø  Don't enter the shrine naked or wearing only a loin-cloth.
Ø  Don't wear any head guards like helmets, caps, turbans and hats inside the temple premises.
Ø  Don't carry any weapon inside the temple.
Ø  Don't eat food brought from outside or chew betel leaves in the temple premises.
Ø  Don't evacuate urine or motion or spit in the premises of the temple.
Ø  Don't pay obeisance with only one hand.
Ø  Don't sit with your back facing the Deity.
Ø  Don't talk about your wealth, money and status.
Ø  Don't quarrel in the temple premises.
Ø  Don't commit any act of violence or harshness in the temple premises.

Ø  Don't sleep in the temple premises.

Annavaram - Sri Swamy Vari Kalyanam

Formerly, the kalyanam of the Lord was being performed on Megha Suddha Ekadasi (January -February). But now -a-days it is celebrated for six days beginning from Vaisakha Suddha Ekadasi (April-May). This change seems to have been made to suit the convenience of visiting pilgrims. The programme of rituals that are observed during the festival are as follows:

Vaisakha Suddha Dasami:Making up Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayanaa swamy as bridegroom; Vighneswara puja, giving vayanams to muthaiduvas; in the night Rama and Sita go out into the village on silver Anjaneya Vahanam to invite devotees of the village and pilgrims from outside to witness Satyanarayana swamy's marriage celebrations;

Ekadasi: Flage hoisting; bringing mangalasuthram, procession of Lord Satyanarayana swamy on silver Garuda Vahanam and of Sri Rama and Sita on silver Gajavahanam; Kalyanamahothsavam.

Dwadasi:Prathamahomam in the morning; asthanaseva in the afternoon, procession on Ravana Vahanam in the night.

Triodasi:Sri Veerak Venkata Satyanarayana Swamy's Kalyanasadasyam, Sri Rama sabhapathi, Panditasabha; mahadasirvadam; sabhasathkaram, procession on ponnavahanam in the night.

Chathudasi:Lord's Viharam in the garden on the north of Ratnagiri and return to Ratnagiri, mahanivedana; special Veena performance in the presence of the Lord; car festival at night.

Purnima:Chakra teertham and nakabali etc.,

Bahula Padyami:Pushpayagamahothsavam; conference of poets and scholars and music purty.

The following slokam is used at the temple as yanam :
Adimadhyanthahinaya nirgunaya gunathmane
Sarvesha madibhuthaya bhaktha namarthinasane"

The offerings by devotees are made in the form of cash, silver and gold jewellery and copper coins in the hundi that is kept in the upper sanctum. Cloth, rice, Jaggery, sugar,ghee,etc., and also cows and claves are handed over to the temple authorities. The pilgrims with vows, and most of them are so, remove their hair here as a sort of offering as is the practice in Tirupathi. A bath in the rivulet Pampa is believed to be efficacious and is not missed by the devotees. During the summer months, when there would not be enough water in it, the wells on the banks of Pampa are resorted to while climbing the steps to the hillock some of the devotees cocoanuts also.

Annavaram - Sri Swamy Vari Vratham

The Procedure Of The Vratham :
Before the sankalpam (inauguration) the floor is cleaned with cow-dund, a square piece of new cloth is spread over it, after decorating it with muggulu with four of five colours. Rice is spread as a layer upon the cloth and a kalasam of silver, copper, brass or clay is kept and covered with mango leaves or betel leaves and a piece of new cloth. A small image of Lord Satyanarayana swamy made prerferably with gold or silver is kept on the cloth after abhishekam in panchamruham. Afterwards, Vighneswara, Lakshmi, Parvati, Siva, Navagrahas and Ashta Dikpalakas are worshipped in order. After wards Lord Satyanarayanaswamy is invoket and worshipped. The Satyanarayana prasadam prepared with plantains, cow's milk, cow's ghee, ravva of wheat or sojji and sugar or jaggery is offered to the Lord as naivedyam and distributed to the friends and relatives invited for this sacred vratham .The priest who conducts the puja is given dakshina. Satyanarayana Vratha Katha (legend about the efficacy of the vratham) is recited and listened to with rapt attention by all including those gathered to witness the vratham. It is said.

"Kathmva srunuyadyasthu pasyedwam
Thasya nasyanthi papani Satyadeva

When one cannot perform the vratham, even witnessing the vratham, or listening to the story would remove the troubles and wash off the sins. The Satyanarayana Vrathams at the temple are generally commenced at 6-00a.m., and go on upto 6-00p.m., almost every day. On festival day vrathams have to be conducted even in the night s in spite of elaborate arrangements in spacious halls for as many as 1,500 vrathams at a time. The devotees, who want to perform vratham, pay the requisite fees for the Satyanarayana Vratham, purchase the tickets and get ready for the Satyanarayana Vratham. They are allowed one by one to the rows of seats in the vratha halls where everything is kept ready. A purohit, (or pujari) comes to each seat and attends to the reciting of the sankalpam (purpose of the vratham along with the name, gotram,etc., of the performer). After wards, the purohit stands at the head of the rows and dictates to the performers the detailed process with mantras, etc., as they go on doing the worship to his instruction. Thus the vratham or puja is conducted by batches of devotees at a time. This is a somewhat interesting feature here. The fee payable for Satyanarayana Vratham is Rs.150/-. The devotees at distant places can have, it performed in absentia at a cost of Rs.150/- by sending money order. Prasadam is dispatched to the latter type of devotees by post.