Wednesday, October 8, 2014


In a society torn under caste discriminations, the so-called high-caste Brahmins do not partake food if touched by the so-called low caste people, Managed Hosting Services. But the food offerings of the Jagannatha temple which is called Mahaprasada (literally the great grace) is a wonder of the Hindu world. It is the established practice that the moment this Mahaprasada is served, no Hindu of the so called high castes objects to partake it even from the same plate with any person of the so-called low castes. Usually persons of all castes are seen enjoying Mahaprasada sitting of one place in a row. 

The Car Festival held in June-July every year is symbolic of many lofty ideals of a highly developed society where equality in treatment and of opportunities are considered to be the fundamental right of every individual. When theosophy and religion are viewed from this point, it becomes imperative that everybody should be treated as equal in the eyes of God, Bad Credit Home Equity.   

The Car Festival, participated by lakhs of pilgrims from the whole of India, has a number of vidhis or practices in connection with the pulling of the chariots and the journey of Jagannatha to the garden house. One of the vidhis is called Cherapahianra. This literally means, the sweeping of the floor. On this occasion, when the deities are brought from the main temple and placed on the special seats designed for them on the chariots, the Raja of Puri who is recognised as the scion of the earlier sovereign emperors of Orissa and presently holds the most important office of Chairman in the management of the temple, is required to sweep .the floor of the chariots in front of the deities with a golden broom-slick. Thousands of eyes watch the performance with rapt attention. Amidst uproarious clappings, the mammoth gathering offers its felicitations to the traditional head of the State as he performs the duties of a sweeper. This vidhi bring home the idea to everybody that the highest political head of the State is not superior to a sweeper in the eyes of God, who is the supreme object of, worship by everybody on the face of earth. Needless to say, this vidhi or practice is symbolic of the highest form of social justice and equality that has remained an objective to be realized by humanity in. all walks of life·  

It is a fact that non-Hindus are not admitted into the Puri temple, but the Hindus of all castes, including the aboriginal tribes, the Jainas, the Sikhs and the Buddhists are all allowed into it. The reason why the temple of Jagannatha is so popular may properly be appreciated when it is realized that it is very broad- based from the view points of theosophy find religious culture. 

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