Wednesday, October 8, 2014


From the porch, we move to the sanctum sanctorum, ny car insurance. Many a time, when particular religious rites are in progress, we are advised to take a view of the deities from the porch and not to insist on immediate admittance into the sanctum. At other times, we are allowed to go into the sanctum, see the deities and are also allowed to go round the deities through a narrow passage behind the raised platform called Ratnavedi, on which the deities are seated. Finally, when we come out of the temple, we may like to see the Ananda Bajar where people would be busy in purchasing the Mahaprasada.

Very close to the Ananda Bajar is the Snana Vedi located in the north-eastern corner in between the outer wall and the inner wall. The dias is about 30 feet high from the ground level, Mortgage refinance new jersey. The bathing ceremony of the wooden deities takes place here. From here, the visitors come to the Baisi Pahaca for their final exit. 

It has already been said that there are about thirty temples inside the enclosure of the Puri temple. Earlier, it has also been said that those who have not much time at their disposal may see only three out of many temples and then finally have a darsan (view) of Jagannatha. The following is a list of the other worth - mentioning temples in the temple premises.

Bisvanatha temple, Agneyesvara temple Satyanarayana temple, Kalpa Ganesa temple, Sarbamangala temple, Panca Pandava temples, (Note - It has been described in the Oriya Mahabharata written by Sarala Dasa in 15th century, that the Pandavas visited this place.); Ananta Vasudeva temple, Mahavajresvari temple,    Kutam Chandi temple, (Note - It is said, originally the image of a dog, that is now found here was in the sanctum sanctorum of the main temple.

According to Tantric worship, when the goddess Bhairavi is invoked; food is offered to her and later a part of it is given to a dog. But at some time in history, when Vaisnavism dominated, this image of the dog was removed there from and brought over here. The Tantrics say that Jagannatha in the Puri temple is not Visnu or Narayana or Krisna. Instead, he is Bhairava, an expression of Siva and Vimala in the Puri temple premises is no other than Bhairavi), Surya Yantra temple, Ksetrapala temple, Nrsimha temple, Jalakrida Mandapa, (Note- All ceremonial baths of the deities are held here.), Jogesvara temple, Saksigopala temple, Kanci Ganesa temple, Khira Choragopinatha temple, Panchasakti temple, Nila Madhava temple, Laksminarayana temple, Navagraha temple, Sarya Candra temple, Goplnatha and Ramcandra temple, Patalesvara temple, Padapadma temple, Ramacandra temple, Caitanya temple, Hanuman temple, Caturdhama temple, (Note - This Caturdhama temple houses the four deities worshipped in the four dhamas of India and the images are in a miniature form.)  

Apart from these temples, there are some more important places in the temple complex, two of which deserve special mention. (a) Koili Vaikuntha is located in between the outer and the inner compound wall of the northwestern corner. It is traditionally believed to be the place where Krisna was cremated after he was killed by Jara Savara. Therefore when the Nava Kalevara ceremony takes place, new images are fashioned and the old ones are buried here only. (b) The Niladri Vihar is a small museum where we can see, with the help of colorfully painted models, the legendary emergence of Jagannatha as the presiding deity of the temple.

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