Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Festivals of the temple - 2

Sayana Ekadasi: This festival takes place in the month of Asadha, when the deities are still in their chariots in the Lions Gate after the Return Car Festival, Student Consolidation Loan. On this occasion, the images of Vasudeva, Bhubanesvari and Narayana are taken to the chariots. After some rites are performed there, these images are taken to the 'chamber of slumber' for enjoying complete rest for four months.

Daksinayana Sankranti: This festival takes place on the day of Karkata Sankranti. Special rites are performed on. this occasion, Instant Car Insurance Quote.

Parsva Parivartana Ekadasi: This festival takes place in the month of Bhadra. The deities enjoying sleep change sides on this day.

Deva Utthapana Ekadasi: This festival takes place in the month of Kartika. On this day the deities rise from their sleep. Besides, it is a very sacred day for the Hindus. 

Parvana Sasthi: This festival takes place in the month of Margasira. This is locally known as Odhana Sasthi. The deities are covered with thick cloths till the month of Magha. 

Dota Yatra: This festival takes place in the month of Phalguna. The representative deities are taken in a procession to a dias called Dolavedi located outside the main temple and specialrites are performed.

Damanaka Chaturdasi : This festival falls in the month of Caitra. On this day, the deities   pay a visit to the celebrated garden of Jagannatha Vallabha Matha, where they pick up the tender leaves of the Dayana plant un-noticed by anybody and put them on. 

Makara Sankranti: This festival falls in the month of Pausa. The deities are specially dressed on this occasion. Boiled rice mixed with candy and the juice of some fruits is offered to the deities. This festival has some agricultural significance. 

Pusyabhiseka : This festival falls on the full moon day of the month of Pausa and deities put on royal dress on this occasion.

Niladrimahodaya: This festival falls in the month of Vaisakha, when special rites are performed.  
  • Apart from these important festivals, there are about 50 more festivals that are observed with great enthusiasm in an atmosphere of profound religious fervour. Some of these are: 
  • Jhulana Yatra - Swing festival for seven days.  
  • Sola Puja - Special esoteric worship in the Vimala temple for sixteen days.  
  • Rama Navami - Birth of Rama incarnation.  
  • Kumara Purnima.  
  • Janmastami - Birth of Krisna.  
  • Krisna Lila - The exploits of Krisna.  
  • Ganesa Caturti - Birth of Ganesa.  
  • Radha-Astami - Birth of Radha.  
  • Vamana Janma (or Sunia) - Birth of Vamana.  
  • Ananta Caturdasi - Birth of Ananta.  
  • Dvitiya Osa - This is specially observed in the temple of Laksmi. In Orissa 'Osa' means  religious fasting.  
  • Dasahara - Takes a way ten sins.  
  • Navanna - Taking of new food.  
  • Dipavali- Offering of lamps to forefathers.  
  • Prathamastami.  
  • Vakula Amavasya.  
  • Sri Pancami - Special worship of Sarasvati.  
  • Sivaratri Sacred day for Siva.  
  • Asokastami.  
  • Maha Visuva Sankranti - Also known as Pana Sankranti in Orissa. Pana means sweet drink.  
  • Nrsimha Janma -Birth of Nrsimha.  
  • Sitala Sasthi - Marrige of Siva.  
  • Rukmini Harana Ekadasi - Marrige of Krisna       
  • Details on these may be locally collected.    

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