Friday, September 26, 2014

Alwar Divya Prabandha Project

The Alwar Divya Prabandha Project was launched by TTD in 1991. Its main objective is to popularise the life and works of the twelve Alwars and other Acharya Purushas who belongs to Srivaishnava Cult. The programmes and discourses are designed in such a way as to spread the message of Madhura Bhakti and Saranagathi that was preached by the Saint Composer of Nalayira Divya Prabandham. The programmes are arranged throughout the country. Car free insurance online quote, students debt consolidation loans.  

The project emphasises the contribution of Sri Ramanuja, the great Srivaishnava saint. He had travelled extensively in South India to popularise and propagate the 4000 Tamil hymns which are known as Nalayira divya Prabandham. Among the 4000, 206 hymns are in praise of Lord Sri Venkateswara and sung by nine Alwars and Andal. The Tiruppavai discourses during Dhanurmasam (from about December 16th to the middle of January), are being arranged in All India Level.

Sri Ramanuja also arranged and regularised several temple procedures, of which the Divya Prabandham is given a unique honour in the daily rituals at the Sri Venkateswara temple and other TTD temples. It is recited before the procession of deities forming the Adhyapak Goshti, and the twelve Alwars belonging to the 6th and 8th centuries who are considered incarnations of the Lord’s several divine Ayudhas and attendants. Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyers, data recovery Denver.

Srikrishnadevaraya festivals are also being conducted every year. Srikrishnadevaraya is a distinguished ruler of Vijayanagara empire who contributed a lot for the promotion and propogation of Hindu Dharma in general and Srivaishnava cult in particular. The Avatharotsavams of the sages belongs to Vaishnava tradition are also being conducted on behalf of this Project.

The project uses the following media for propagation:
  • Programmes conducted periodically on Tirunakshatrams and Avatara Mahotsavams of Alwars and Acharyas to develop the Vaishnav Sampradayam.
  • Publication of booklets, mainly in the Tamil language. This includes Bhagawat Ramanujachar, Nammalwar, Periyalwar, Sri Andal, Chakrath Alwar and Sri Vaishnav Sampradayalu (in English and Telugu).
  • Audio cassettes of the Nalayira Divya Prabandham. The 4000 Pasurams have been recorded by the SV Veda Recording Project of TTD, and released according to the Sri Venkateswara Temple Sampradayam.

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