Monday, July 6, 2009

Lord Balaji Suprabhatam-2

sri-sesasaila-garudachala-venkatadri- narayanadri-vrsabhadri-vrsadri-mukhyam,
akhyam tvaduta-vasater anisam vadanit
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
Lord of Venkatachala! Thy abode is always called by several names, such as Sri Sesasaila, Garudachala, Venkatadri, Narayanadri, Vrsabhadri, Vrsadri. May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

sevaparah siva-suresa-krsanu-dharma- raksombunatha-pavamana-dhanadhinathah, baddhanjali-pravilasan nijasirsa-desah
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
Siva, Indra, Agni, Yama, Nairuti, Varuna, Vayu and Kubera, with folded hands placed on their heads, are desirous of offering service to thee. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

dhatisu te vihangaraja-mrgadhiraja-
nagadhiraja-gajaraja-hayadhirajah, svasvadhikara-mahimadikam arthayante
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam
The modes of Thy conveyance – Garuda, the Lord of Birds, the Lion, Lord of Animals, Adisesa, the Lord of Serpents, Airavata, the Lord of Elephants and Uccaissravas, the Lord of Horses - are begging Thee to grant them their respective authority and power to server Thee better, on your pleasure trips. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee, Raid Data Recovery Services.
svarbhanu-kettu-divisat parisat pradhanah,
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
The main deities of the Assembly of Gods – the nine planets - the Sun, the Moon, Mars (Angaraka), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Brhaspati), Venus (Sukra), Saturn (Sani), Rahu and Ketu are happy to serve even your servants and remain most obedient to Thee. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee, Virginia Car accidents Lawyers.
tvat-padadhuli-bharita-sphuritottamangah svargapavarga-nirapeksa-nijanarangah, kalpagamakalanayakulatam labhante
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
Lord of Venkatachala! Thy devotees, whose heads are sanctified by the dust of Thy feet, being in Thy presence, do not desire Heaven or Liberation, but are worried that another kalpa will start, when there will be no such glory to Venkatachala!
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
tvad-gopuragra-sikharani niriksamanah svargapavarga-padavim paramamsrayantah,
martya manusya-bhuvane matim-asrayante
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
On seeing the crests of Thy temple tower, the mortals, who are attempting to attain the exalted paths of Heaven and Liberation, feel like living on in the mortal world, as it gives them the opportunity of worshipping Thee. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
sri-bhumi-nayaka! dayadi-gunamrtabdhe! devadhideva!jagadeka-saranyamurte,
srimann-ananta-garudadibhir architanghre!
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
Lord of Sridevi and Bhudevi! The ocean of nectar of compassion and other virtues! The chief of the Gods! The sole refuge of the Universe! The possessor of Sri (wealth)! One whose feet are worshipped by Ananta and Garuda! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
sripadmanabha! purusottama! vasudeva!
vaikuntha! madhava! janardana! chakrapane!
srivasta-chihna! sarangata-parijata!
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
Padmanabha! Purushottama! Vasudeva! Vaikunta! Madhava! Janardana! Chakrapani! Bearer of the mole Srivatsa! Celestial tree (parijata) under whom refuge is sought! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
kanta-kucamburuha-kutmala-loladrste! kalyana-nirmala-gunakara! divyakirte! sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam
Bearer of the charming and divine form surpassing the pride of Cupid (Manmatha)! One whose sight is fondly centred on the lotus bud like breasts of His beloved! The abode of auspicious and pure virtues! The possessor of Divine fame! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
minakrte!kamatha!kola!nrsimha!varnin! svamin!parasvatha-tapodhana!ramachandra!
sesamsarama! yadunandana! kalkirupa!
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam
Lord in ten incarnations of Matsya (Fish), Kamatha (Tortoise), Kola (Boar), Narasimha (Man-lion) Trivikrama (Dwarf), Parasurama, Rama, Balarama, Krishna and Kalki! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
ela-lavanga-ghanasara-sugandhi-tirtham divyam viyat-sariti hema-ghatesu purnam, dhrtvadya vaidika-sikhamanayah prahrstah tisthanti venkatapate tava suprabhatam.
The Brahmins, well-versed in the Vedas, are now joyfully waiting to worship you. They are carrying golden pots on their heads that are filled with the water of the Divine Ganges (Akasa Ganga), which has been rendered fragrant by mixing cardamom, cloves and camphor in it. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
bhasvan udeti vikachani saroruhani sampurayanti ninadaih kakubho vihangah,
srivaisnavas satatam arthita-mangalas te dhamasrayanti tava venkata! suprabhatam.
The Sun is rising; the lotuses have blossomed; the birds are twittering; the Sri Vaishnavas, always imploring auspiciousness, are waiting at Thy abode. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
brahmadayas suravaras samaharsayas te santas sanadana-mukhastv atha yogivaryah,
dhamantike tava hi mangala-vastu-hastah
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
Brahma,the great sages and the good Yogins as Sanandana are waiting at Thy abode, with auspicious offerings in their hands. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
laksminivasa! niravadya-gunaika-sindho! samsara-sagara-samuttaranaika-seto!
vedantu-vedya-nijavaibhava! bhaktabhogya!
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
Abode of Lakshmi! Ocean of faultless and auspicious virtues! Bridge to cross the ocean of transmigration (samsara)! One whose glory is known through the Upanishads! One who is enjoyed by devotees! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

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