Monday, July 6, 2009

Lord Balaji Suprabhatam-1

During Suprabhatam, the Suprabhatam, Stotram, Prapatti and Mangalasasanam slokas are recited, and a descendant of Tallapaka Annamacharya sings a few of Annamacharya'ssankeertanas. Devotees present at the time of Suprabhatam can have the Lord's Suprabhata Darsanam, also called Viswarupa Sarvadarsanam. (Please note that children below ten years are not allowed during Suprabhatam.), compare car insurance rates.

purva sandhya pravartate,
uttistha! narasardula!
kartavyam daivam ahnikam.
O! Rama! Kausalya’s auspicious child! Twilight is approaching in the East. O! best of men (Purushottama)! Wake up, the divine daily rituals have to be performed.
uttisthottistha! govinda!
uttistha garudadhvaja!
uttistha kamalakanta!
trailokyam mangalam kuru.

O! Govinda, wake up! O! Garudadhvaja (one who has Garuda on his flag)! wake up. O! Kamalakanta (the husband of Kamala)! by rising, render the three worlds auspicious, College loan consolidation.
matas samsastajagatam madhukaitabhareh
vaksoviharini! manohara-divyamurte!
srisvanmini! sritajanapriya-danasile!
sri-venkatesa-dayite! Tava suprabhatam
May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee, O! Lakshmi, the Mother of the Worlds, who dwells on the chest of Vishnu, the enemy of the demons, Madhu and Kaitabha), of attractive and divine form, with the nature of granting what is desired by those seeking refuge!
tava suprabhatam aravindalochane!
bhavatu prasannamukha-chandramandale!
vidhisankarendra-vanitabhir archite!
May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee, O! Lakshmi, the beloved of the Lord of Vrsacala, with eyes like lotus petals, with a bright face like the Moon, who is worshipped by Vani, Girija and Pulomaja (the wives of Brahma, Sankara and Indra) and who is very compassionate.
atryadi-saptarsayas samupasya sandhyam
aksasindhu-kamalani manoharani,
adaya padayugam archayitum prapanna sesadri-sekhara-vibho! tava suprabhatam.
Having worshipped the morning twilight and said their morning prayers, calledsandhyavandana, the seven sages like Atri, bringing the beautiful lotuses from the divine Ganges, have arrived to worship Thy feet. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
panchananabjabhava sanmukha vasavadyah traivikramadi charitam vibudhah stuvanti,
bhasapatith pathati vasarasuddhim arat
sesadri-sekhara-vibho! tava suprabhatam
The Gods, like the five-headed Brahma, the lotus-born Subrahmanya, and the six-headed Indra are praising the deeds of your incarnations as the Trivikramavatara. Nearby is Brhaspati who is reading out the planetary position (called Panchangam) of the day. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
isatpraphulla-sarasiruha-narikela- pugadrumadi-sumanohara-palikanam avati mandam anilah saha divyagandhaih sesadri-sekhara-vibho! tava suprabhatam
The breeze, carrying the wonderful fragrance of the partly-opened lotuses, and the beautiful trees like the Areca and Coconut, is blowing gently. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
unmilya netrayugam uttama-panjarastah
bhuktva salilam atha kelisukhah pathanti
sesadri-sekara-vibho! tava suprabhatam.
The parrots in their cages are opening their eyes, and graciously singing, after eating the remains of the plantain fruits and the payasam in the vessels. Lord Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
tantriprakarsa-madhurasvanaya vipanchya gayaty anantacharitam tava narado’pi bhasasamagram asakrt-karachararamyam
sesadri-sekhara-vibho! tava suprabhatam.
The sage, Narada, is playing sweet music with his veena, and, in fine language, is singing praises of Thy endless deeds, gracefully waving his other hand. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee
bhrngavali cha makaranda-rasanuviddha- jhankaragita-ninadaih saha sevanaya, niryaty upanta-sarasi-kamalodarebhyah
sesadri-sekhara-vibho! tava suprabhatam.
The humming swarm of bees are sucking honey and emerging from the interiors of the lotuses of the adjoining pools, in order to serve Thee. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
yosa-ganena vara-dadhni vimathyamane ghosalayesu dadhimanthana-tivraghosah,
rosat kalim vidadhate kakubhas cha kumbhah
sesadri-sekhara-vibho! tava suprabhatam.
While the womenfolk of the hamlet of cowherds churn the curds, the loud sounds and echoes emanating from the pots seems like as if the pots and the eight directions are quarrelling. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
hartum sriyam kuvalayasya nijanga-laksmya,
bherininadam iva bibhrati tivra-nadam
sesadri-sekhara-vibho! tava suprabhatam.
The swarm of bees in the lotuses are friends of the sun, and are making lound sounds with a view to surpassing the splendour of the lustrous blue lotuses. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
srimann abhista-varadakhila-lokabandho! srisrinivasa!jagadeka-dayaikasindho! sridevata-grha-bhujantara-divyamurte!
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam
One with Lakshmi! One who grants boons! Friend of all the worlds! Abode of Sri Lakshmi! The matchless ocean of compassion! One having a charming form on account of the chest which is the abode of Sri Lakshmi! Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
srisvami-puskarinika-plava-nirmalangah sreyorthino hara-virinchi-sanandanadyah,
dvare vasanti varavetra- hatottamangah
sri-venkatachalapate! tava suprabhatam.
Brahma, Shiva, Sanandana and several others have bathed in purified water. They are at your doorstep eager to see you, for their own well-being, though they have been hit with canes by your gods. Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

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