Sunday, June 29, 2014

Basara Saraswathi Pooja

Sri Saraswathi Kavacham
Saraswathi Vandanam
Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa, 
Yaa shubhravastraavritha 
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara, 
Yaa shwetha padmaasanaa, 
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara prabhritibhir 
Devaisadaa Vanditha (poojitaa) 
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa

May that Goddess - Bhagavathi - the blessed Saraswathi presiding deity of learning and remover of our lethargy, laziness and ignorance, protect us. She is pure and white like the jasmine, the full moon and the garland like formation of dewdrops. She is dressed in a spotless robe. She has in her hand, the auspicious instrument veena. She is seated on a white lotus. She is the one who is always respected by Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, Shankara the annihilator and other Gods.

Saraswathi - Before Study
Saraswathi Namasthubyam, 
Varadey Kaamarupinee! 
Vidhyarambham Karishyami, 
Sidhir bhavathu mey sada !

Oh ! Goddess, Saraswathi, my humble prostrations unto Thee, who are the fulfiler of all my wishes. I start my studies with the request that thou will bestow Thy blessings on me
Saraswathi Shloka
Gnanananda Mayam Devam
Nirmala Spatika Kruthim
Aadharam Sarva Vidyanam
Hayagrivam Upasmahe

Promise myself before Hayagriva, the Deva who is the personification of Jnana(knowledge) and Happiness(Ananda), who is very pure, and who is the basis of all learning.) The other important sloka is one to Goddess Saraswati, the God of learning.

Manikhya veenam upa laalayanthim, 
Madalasam manjula vag vilasam,
 Mahendra neela dyuthi  komalangim,
Mathanga kanyaam manasa smarami.

I meditate on the daughter of sage Matanga, Who plays on the jewel studded Veena, Who is most pretty and who speaks sweetest words, Who is worshiped by Indra , the king of devas, And who has perfectly pretty form.

Saraswathi Mahabhage
Vidye Kamala lochane
Vidhya roope vishaalakshi
Vidyam dehi namosthuthe

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